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Saturday, July 14, 2007

I have moved to
. :D

11:38 AM

Monday, July 09, 2007

yo yo:D another day after school T_T last period was maths, and i finally know where mrs lim lives. Toa Payoh! (Dua Pai OH!). O.o just made it up for fun HAHA. anyway, im watching harry potter and the order of the phoenix on thursday with either matthias chimin or vinson, gm and tze siang. (: then saturday with my parents and monday with matt jacob fy chim vin. im sick right?

4:18 PM

Sunday, July 08, 2007

yoyo:D yesterday was horrible. in the afternoon, i told my dad i wanna watch live earth at 7. he say ok, then gimme a pile of work to do, say must finish then can watch. so i chiong like shit. then at 5.30 he say go for dinner. guess what? he spent 1/2 hr circling round singapore deciding where to go. then he had 'trouble' finding carpark lots when we passed by so many. then he took ages to decide what to eat. then he asked us to eat desert and then go drove to go drink soya bean. what the f? ... then go home at 9+ FINALLY CAN WATCH LE, guess what he said? 'No! you still have alot of work to finish" and he gave me a new pile. WTF. so in the end i finished at 11+ and went to read HP&OOTP. no mood to watch.. hes out playing golf now, so no work for me so far.
now for um tags.

EILEEN: Hello (: haha, i kinda like emma too. Er, no maybe just Harry Potter. =X [] everyone love emma :D
liwen: wakaka. it made me smile lor! your skin, i mean. not that i was emo or what crap. and LOL. i liked that post man. hey dont mind if i quote it over [: [] quote bah xD EVERYONE LOVES MY SKIN.
liwen: oh and the skin's nice. layout and fading thing and coding. niceee. [] gah, also not i do one.
J' lene: something wicked this way comes. [] ;l
J' lene: something wicked this way comes. ): [] why emo again ;l
huiting: hahahahahahahahaahahahhahahah [] -.-''

10:42 AM

Saturday, July 07, 2007

hey! :D now to reply tags cos im lazy to type HAHA. okay here goes.
hey yo: wassup.Man u liverpool ah 2-1 siahl knn.eh your blogskin like orh pi sai thank you you arh. [] i have no idea who the fuck u are but i changed my skin(:
larryy: multiple~ link me demon here [] eh, cannot go to the link leh? ;l
something wicked this way comes. [] yes yes i get it.
J' lene: something wicked this way comes. [] yes yes i get it.
Ariel: SEE LAH NOW YOU SIT SO FAR AWAY AT THE CORNER OF THE CLASSROOM. dumb dumb. [] im still trying to figure if it was cos of me or zy that im moved. fuck it.
ORange: Your links own man..and thanks to your sitting position change...i have a useful punching bag nearby =D [] thanks for the 'my links own man', i know:D. punch that zy until his balls fly. cos of him i have to feed a dog.
WELYN: screw you jolene :( [] o.o ye go for it.
WELYN: something wicked this way comes. [] OKAY OKAY.
WELYN: btw nice skin. hottts. [] duh xD
WELYN: something wicked this way comes. [] ...
Jiawen: Omg. Haha. XD [] i know i know, its a nice skin.
Jiawen: Oh and yes yes yes. Haha. ilya too! Lol. [] :D

okay thats about it HAHA. well, emma has a new official fansite, www.emmawatsonofficial.com.
:D nothing much happened ytd, so cya!

11:31 AM

Friday, July 06, 2007

okay well, i know the skins girly but WHO CARES. IM AN EMMA FAN!
everyone knows that.

2:38 PM

YOWADDAP. I JUST CHANGED SKIN ;D the links thingy hor, the colour is the same as the background, so just highlight over it to see la, i dunno how to change also. anyway, tag me. LOL okay.. :D


2:34 PM

Thursday, July 05, 2007

sups:D back to school for the 2nd week le. hehe.
well i was thinking on the mrt about a group of friends i knew since young. so i decided, why not blog on it? xD
i really dont know what to call it, liwen
calls it 'the big fun group' but personally, i think (sry if its too scary or wdv)we've bonded as a family:D well, at least lemme name em out.

Uncle Quek (daddy) -> Me!
Auntie Angie (mummy)

Uncle Chee -> Hui Ting HuiYi
Auntie Jaq

Uncle Kai Hung -> Jiawen Liwen Fengyuan
Auntie Joanne

Uncle 'Mao' -> Matthias Jacob Thaddeus
Auntie Maria
:D okay lets continue, well we've known each other since babies, although matt's family didnt sorta join us till we were abit older, but after ransacking through my baby picto album, i realised i knew them since young too!:D well, if ur wondering how we got together, the fathers were old secondary school friends from TK! xD
as i was saying, we've known each other since young, and well, we share secrets (although some we may have to find out on our own >;P) but it is fun! but now, we've sorta grown up, although im sure we won't split or sth, but well yeah we've grown up. BGRs and what not? then i thought, when we grow older, we'll be like our parents. according to my dad, there are indeed somethings he can't tell the others, of course all of it is on the subject of money. so, yeah there will be things we cant share with each other. my relationship with them is like a rubberband, we can streeeeeeeeetch (meaning getting angry with each other) and go back in less than an hour:D. ilyall! :D

4:53 PM

Monday, July 02, 2007


replies to tags! :D its the first time im doing this LOL

emma suckson: hey chris >:) [] hey loser:D
ORange: LOL kee HOLE wanted to shove the bunsen burner up darren's ass xD [] i want to also!
ORange: oh yeah and also dono which smartass go put kharkeow lesson AFTER pe >.> [] i bet its mark.
huijin: hey yo!:D [] hey yo!:D
J' lene: you're one ediot, take care. ;D [] u too!:D
justiNz-: LKK DP wad she is the DM so naturally no one can DEFY her [] thats why i want her to be my mama. joking.
EILEEN: whoa. damn pro lor you. never even censor the teacher's name, then scold with vulgarities some more. :S damn pro lor. [] i got mah, its tan kee HOLE not tk de teacher lah :D

okay thats it hehe.
well, nothing much to write abt, just happy youth day people! :D

11:01 AM


LEEjunhui 25111993! tk2g o7! sups:D





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